News & Events

Next BDA meeting: 26 April 2023!
The next BDA meeting will happen on 26 April 2023 at 10:30 AM CEST. The main topics of this meeting will be:
- An overview of the Marmara Municipalities Union (MMU) and its Data and Technology Center, Samet Keskin
- Open Data Hub: data sets and services, Martin Rabanser
- EnergyTwin: an AI solution for energy savings and predicting energy consumption, Jana Zázvorková
- MATRYCS Large Scale Pilot 11 evaluation: Data-driven policy making and policy impact assessment for energy-efficient buildings - Renovation Policy Planner, Edit Lakatos and João Gonçalves (Housing Europe)
We invite you to register here.

Notes from the latest BDA meeting
The most recent Big Data Alliance meeting took place on 4 November 2022. The main points discussed at the meeting are summarised below.
Initially, Marcelo Lampkowski from ICLEI Europe welcomed the new BDA members: NTT Data; Open Data Hub Südtirol Alto Adige; and Forum Virium Helsinki.
Gema Hernández Moral and Carla Rodríguez Alonso, both from CARTIF, presented the I-ENERGY project and how it aims at evolving, scaling up and demonstrating innovative AI-as-a-Service (AIaaS) Energy Analytics Applications and digital twins services in 9 real-life applications. Apart from its pilots, the project hosts two open calls for applicants to contribute in the development of analytics. The second open call grants applicants up to 100.000 euros and a 9-month mentoring program.
Next, Giuseppa Caruso from Engineering Ingegneria Informatica S.p.A and Maria Papadimitriou from CINTECH Solutions LTD. talked about the BD4NRG project and its open call. BD4NRG is looking for up to 10 SMEs and start-ups that will introduce new services (big-data governance and analytical applications) by integrating and making use of the services and data offered through the BD4NRG platform.
After the final remarks, it has been decided that the next BDA meeting will happen in February 2023.

A summary of the BDA meeting from 10 June 2022
The new participants were introduced and welcomed. Next, Thomas Knight from the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Energy Environment Agency presented TerriSTORY®, an online tool for territorial planning. Following, Ulrich Filippi Oberegger, Senior Researcher in the Energy Efficient Buildings group of Eurac Research, and Abel Muñoz Alcaraz from NTT Data informed the BDA participants about the the latest updates about the BuiltHub project (Dynamic EU building stock knowledge hub).
Do you want to participate in the next meetings? Join the BDA!

MATRYCS replication workshop: "Data-driven tools to enhance building decarbonisation" (25 May 2022 - 16:00 CEST)
Hear from building experts how digital tools can support cities in identifying innovative ways to assess their building stock and reduce energy consumption as well as linked GHG emissions in cities’ built environments. During the session, participants will be invited and encouraged to test MATRYCS tools and Google EIE.
Register for this event here.

A summary of the BDA meeting held on 13 April 2022
The Big Data Alliance meeting held on 13 April 2022, followed a slightly different format, with presentations led by two partners. First, Grazia Fiore (from Eurisy) presented a synthesis of the discussions and the main messages of the online event "Space for cities: Earth observation for sustainable development" that took place on February 16. Next, Pei-Yu Wu and Mikael Mangold (both from RISE) held a presentation entitled "Predicting hazardous materials in the Swedish building stock using data mining".
Read more about this meeting here.

Co-creating an impactful and user-friendly BuiltHub platform
The BuiltHub project seeks to develop a roadmap to continuously enhance the data needed to decide on building-related policy and business through a data platform and community of stakeholders. The BuiltHub platform should be a valuable resource for all users, which is why during this workshop the needs and values of users will be strongly considered. The idea of co-creating the platform is what BuiltHub believes will be an important factor for its success.
Stakeholders with an interest in a European building data platform are invited to attend; this includes but is not limited to: policy makers, local or national authorities, energy agencies and construction and renovation industry experts and researchers.
Find out more about the workshop here.

Big Data Alliance wraps up its first meeting
On 26 January 2022, the first official Big Data Alliance (BDA) meeting took place in an online format. During the meeting, the current BDA participants were able to interact and get an initial idea of their capacities and expectations in relation to the expected work.
Find out more about the first BDA meeting here.

BuiltHub hosts successful first webinar
On 20 January 2022, BuiltHub hosted its first of six webinars. Entitled "Building a sustainable and meaningful data flow of the EU building stock," the session was attended by 50 participants.
Click here to read more about the webinar and access the recording.

Plutinsus joins the BDA
Plutinsus is a research-driven technology start-up that develops innovative data science applications to turn complexities into opportunities.
According to Wolfram Willuhn, CEO of Plutinsus, the challenges that lie ahead of us can only be tackled with more innovation and more collaboration. We need to create ecosystems and build consortia of diverse expertise, skills and resources. The BDA is one such initiative, and we look forward to engaging with the various stakeholders and creating innovative solutions to hard, but important challenges. For us, such partnerships are crucial for being able to do our business.
Find out more about Plutinsus here.

Wrap-up of the BDA Introduction Webinar
The Big Data Alliance (BDA) introduction webinar was held successfully on Monday the 27th of September 2021.
The webinar recording as well as the material presented are available at the MATRYCS website.

Join the Big Data Alliance
You can participate on webinars and/or physical meetings and have active support for partnership and consortium building for new projects
The BDA aims to become the European platform for identifying, connecting, analysing, visualizing and operationalizing open and available data sets in Europe. The stakeholders can provide and receive unique value to and from one another, including access to data and data analysis services.
What is the BDA?
Engagement and interaction
The BDA is based on the engagement of key stakeholder groups and the unique value they provide and receive to and from one another.
Challenges and solutions
Demand-driven stakeholders of data-analytics solutions for building management steer the agenda by defining challenges to be solved by the Alliance. Data set and solution providers collaborate with these demand-driven stakeholders on the co-creation of solutions.
Organized and facilitated workflow
Participant interaction is based on webinars and physical meetings and active support for consortium building for new projects, as well as from Horizon2020 MATRYCS communication and dissemination activities while also including other projects and initiatives in the space.

BDA Process
The Big Data Alliance is based on a cyclical stakeholder process to connect and utilize open data sets.

Added-value stakeholder mapping and inclusion
Asset aggregation: data access and capacity
User and decision maker needs assessment
Partnerships for access, analysis and applications
Ideation and co-creation of solutions
Advocacy, marketing and dissemination of results
Link to other initiatives